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Strange Rule : Keeping Dog Is Big Crime, But No Problem To Eat The Flash

North Korea has implemented a strange rule. There is a ban on keeping dogs as pets here. But if someone wants to eat their meat or remove their fur then it is allowed. According to reports, in Kim Jong Un’s country, if anyone kept dogs as members of his family, he would be considered a criminal. According to a report by DailyMail, a source in South Pyongyang Province said that this strange ban was announced through the Socialist Women’s Union of Korea.

Sources say that keeping the dog as a family member, feeding it and putting it to sleep with the family is not good for a socialist lifestyle. This should not be done at all. It is also not right to dress dogs. Treating them like humans, putting ribbons in their hair, making them wear earrings and burying them like humans after their death is a symbol of capitalism. The source also said that doing so is one of the ways for the rich to waste money in a capitalist society. Such behavior is completely anti-social and should be strictly prohibited.

Government considers dogs as a source of food

Talking about the government’s stand regarding this, the source said that dogs are basically meat. They are raised outside the home according to their nature and when they die they are eaten. The government is also emphasizing that another main purpose of breeding dogs should be to collect fur. The source also said that citizens have been asked to follow it silently. The government can start a big campaign to ban keeping dogs if the rules are not followed. The Kim Jong government has warned that it is necessary to end the tradition of keeping dogs.

Normal activities are being made crimes.

At the same time, those people of North Korea who keep dogs are very sad after this rule. According to reports, a woman said that I love my dog very much. I can’t take its life and can’t leave it either. Greg Scarlato, executive director of the Human Rights Committee in North Korea, says that Kim Jong’s government is making even normal activities a crime. Here, without a travel permit, people cannot go to meet any relative in a nearby village. Cannot cross the border without government permission and cannot possess any religious book.

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